
MIRAMAG: dispatches where DATA MEETS EDUCATION and career

Five counterintuitive measurements of college program success

The success of a college/ school/course is measured based on criteria that are thrown out as data points in your decision-making. Some measures used to define a program may not mean much for a student. 

Five important measures that tend to be counterproductive in your decision making include –

  1. Student retention: While retaining students is a testament to the program, and it might not reflect a student’s happiness index.
  2. Graduation rate: They sometimes reflect the process efficiency of the schools and expertise of the educators more than student alignment and interests
  3. Famous alumni: Some of the notable alumni sometimes define the program more than the program fit for the students
  4. Placement: Program’s job placement capability is sometimes reflective of the alumni network and outreach programs
  5. Average first salary: Average salary of graduates is sometimes more reflective of market trends than program success

Keep your eyes open and ensure the program is the right fit for the learning methods you thrive in. And, It’s good to understand how well the program prepares graduates with soft skills required for the industry to assimilate into the job market seamlessly.

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