


Find your forte.

Students can discover their aptitude, choose their courses and talk to counselors on the MiraMira app.

HOW DOES the app WORK?

You start with an easy-play gamified quiz that assesses your aptitude. Further you can explore courses and colleges that offer them. You can setup time with a counselor of your choice for a conversation.


You start with a scenario-based intuitive quiz. The questions will paint a context where you have to decide on your priorities. You can rearrange the answers to assess priorities or choose from multiple answers to assess skills. Once you are done with a few sprints of questions you can see the results.


Based on a Japanese concept and the sense of purpose, your aptitude is assessed across four vectors of Spirit, Profession, Purpose and Reward. The results present your placement on these vector axes and give you a cumulative idea of your aptitude. This further leads you to the vocation or the courses that suit your aptitude.


MiraMira has a database of courses that can set a career up for your future. It also maintains a database of universities across four continents that are constantly updated. The courses and colleges have all necessary information including website links and contact details. You can get in touch with them chart your future, wisely.


As a counseling platform, MiraMira has been designed to make you find the right guide. We have professional counselors onboard in many key locations. You can choose a plan that will give you many 20-minute sessions with your counselor. They will be able to guide you based on your acumen and preferences.

Pay to book time with counselors. Rest is free.

Counselor plans

Our professional counselors are ready to have a conversation with you. All you need to do is choose the right plan, choose your counselor based on their profile and book an available time slot with them to discuss your future. Did we tell you that all else is free?


$90 for 3 months

$290 for 12 months

Upto FOURS counselling sessions with a counselor of your choice

+ THREE live mentor

Who should use this plan?

If you are a student seeking insights about your acumen and a capable professional counselor to guide you to find your true north this plan works.


$390 for 3 months

$1190 for 12 months

UNLIMITED counselling sessions with a premium counselor of your choice

+ UNLIMITED live mentor webinars

Who should use this plan?

If you are an elite force student ready to make your career a perfect fit. And if nothing should stop you from achieving that, choose this plan.


$190 for 3 months

$690 for 12 months

Upto EIGHT counselling sessions with a counselor of your choice

+ UNLIMITED live mentor webinars

Who should use this plan?

If you are a student who is not certain about your vocation and not completely confident about your choice you need more airtime, choose this plan.


I am a high school senior and found myself at a crossroads during my college application process. I’m a core sciences student with a deep interest in the humanities. I tried MiraMira with minimal expectations. To my surprise, the process of taking quizzes articulated and reinforced my interests in humanities with a fresh perspective.

Tejas N
High School Senior

Download and try the app now.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, it is available for all students across the globe to use it. We recommend high school students and older to get the most value. The more you use it, the better you’d see yourself in the Mira ;). This helps decision-making faster.

It is a good idea to view counseling services as experienced veterans in the industry can guiding your next steps for a very nominal fee. Think of it as an shared-ride cost to pay for a private limousine service.

Our personality is the most dynamic thing. Continual use of this tool helps us align ourselves right as we evolve. The short answer is, yes use it as often as you can and sharpen your decisions about your career and/or future.

No. The privacy of your conversations with the counselor is protected. This is your safe space to get help from academic, emotional, and communication experts to navigate tough decisions.

Sharing results is entirely your choice. How much could be shared is also up to you. As someone providing significant data content for free to help with this cause, we request your help getting the word out about MiraMira. Your sharing with the World helps sustain our revenue model.