
MIRAMAG: dispatches where DATA MEETS EDUCATION and career

What kind of sorcery is AI?

AI is the biggest buzzword of the 21st century. Remember a time when we used to search for photos on our phones by scrolling through hundreds of pictures just to find that one picture of that one person who means the world to us, it was tacky, right! but now you get identified faces as a search option in your picture gallery on drives. You know what this sorcery is – A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), a product made by humans to make the life of upcoming generations easier and technologically sound. 

Mankind has dreamt of having driverless cars for ages. Just imagine, eating your nachos with your favorite blue cheese sauce, your favorite album which you just heard from the last viral Instagram reel is playing, you can see all the passing by shops on the left and greenery on the right, and the best part – your car is driving automatically. This can be the best dream ever, right? But wait a minute, that is a current reality now, there are firms that have the technology now to support your dream – driverless cars. 

Do Harry Potter movies seem like a reality now? – I wouldn’t go that far and cross 9 ¾ station with my bag of books. But I can order moving images, feel reality with a headset and enjoy music that matches my taste without even searching for it. Truth to be told, we have explored only 10% of A.I. capabilities till now, can we imagine a sorting hat telling us who we are and what we may do? Or a screen teaching us the basics of life based on who we are and what we aspire to be? The answer is – it is round the corner. We are not far from making life magical with learned logic and computer sciences, a concoction we call AI.  

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